Benjamin Patel

On August 14th, 2021, Benjamin Patel experienced a life-changing event when he was involved in a severe motorbike accident on Rues Lane, just off the A59, near Wharfedale. Paramedics from Yorkshire Air Ambulance played an indispensable role in his rescue, illustrating their unwavering commitment to saving lives.

Benjamin, a devoted British Army veteran from the Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), with 16 years of service, was off duty at the time of the accident. Riding his motorbike at approximately 60mph, he collided with a car that pulled out onto the road unexpectedly, resulting in a devastating impact that sent him flying from his bike and rendered him unconscious.

When Benjamin regained consciousness and awaited the arrival of emergency services, a passerby, who happened to be a nurse, provided crucial assistance by conducting basic CPR checks and offering essential comfort during this challenging ordeal. Benjamin has never crossed paths with this compassionate nurse again, but deeply appreciates the consolation she provided during that critical moment.

As Benjamin lay on the ground, he spotted the distinctive yellow helicopter of Yorkshire Air Ambulance overhead. The highly trained YAA crew promptly landed and provided immediate on-scene support while awaiting the arrival of the land ambulance. Pain relief was administered, and upon examination, it was evident that Benjamin had sustained serious injuries, including a broken wrist and extensive damage to his pelvis.

When the land ambulance crew arrived on the scene, it was determined that Benjamin should be transported by road to Leeds General Infirmary.

Upon arrival at hospital, he underwent intricate emergency surgery, where a plate, pins, and bolts were implanted to secure his pelvis. Benjamin faced the challenging prospect of non-weight bearing for 4 months – a stark contrast to his strict military lifestyle.

Throughout his recovery, Benjamin was fortunate to have the unwavering support of his girlfriend and both of their families. A downstairs living room at his sister-in-law’s home was adapted to meet his needs, and Benjamin was particularly grateful for the time spent in their home, with his young nieces, which strengthened their family bond.

While Benjamin has made progress in his recovery, surgeries are still in the planning stages to repair the damage to his wrist. The psychological scars of the accident continue to linger, manifesting as recurring nightmares and emotional challenges. Nevertheless, he maintains a deep sense of gratitude for the second chance at life afforded to him by Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Speaking of his accident, Benjamin said, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family, friends, and the compassionate nurse who helped me on the roadside. I am also deeply thankful to the paramedics at Yorkshire Air Ambulance for their swift response and life-saving care during my accident. They are an incredibly valuable emergency service and as a charity, they rely on the support of individual donors to keep doing what they do best. I am committed to doing my part to continue to raise funds and spread awareness to ensure that this essential service continues to thrive and save lives.”

Benjamin has already raised over £1850 to support YAA’s life-saving mission. Initially launching a Facebook Appeal during his time in hospital, raising £1200, and later as his injuries healed, he utilised his welding skills acquired during his service in the REME armed forces to create a custom BBQ, which he auctioned for £650, donating all the proceeds to Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Benjamin was invited to the YAA’s Nostell Air Base in Wakefield, where he had the privilege of meeting the team of paramedics who came to his aid and presenting them with a large cheque for the funds he had raised.

HEMS Specialist Paramedic , said, “Benjamin’s experience highlights the critical importance of Yorkshire Air Ambulance’s mission. We are here to provide rapid, life-saving care when it matters most. Benjamin was fortunate to be wearing protective equipment like his helmet and leathers; otherwise, his injuries could have been much worse. It’s a stark reminder of the fragility of life, and I am pleased to know he is recovering well.”

Click here to read more YAA patient stories. 

Sam Waddington

From tragedy to triumph: Yorkshire Air Ambulance patient finds purpose after life-changing accident.

On the 26th of June 2013, Sam Waddington from Bridlington in East Yorkshire was travelling home from work on his Motorbike when a car hit him whilst he was travelling at approximately 37 miles per hour, leaving Sam with life-changing injuries.

Sam, who at the time was employed as a sheet metal worker at a local factory, finished his shift early and hopped on his streetfighter-style Triumph Speed Triple motorbike to head home. Whilst Sam was weaving through bumper-to-bumper traffic, a car pulled out suddenly to access a slip road, ploughing straight into Sam as he passed by.

Sam was thrown from his bike, which was later found in three pieces, and passers-by including an off-duty police officer quickly sprung to action, calling the emergency services. Sam sustained many serious injuries, including a number of fractured vertebrae, broken femur, nose, collarbone, shoulder, and ribs along with many other scrapes and cuts to his skin.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched one of their helicopters and after an assessment on-scene, Sam was flown to Hull Royal Infirmary where he received lifesaving surgery before being placed into a medically induced coma for a week.

At the age of 24, Sam’s life was forever altered when his leg was amputated below the knee after doctors were unable to preserve it during his two-month hospitalisation.

Sam remembers how consultants originally told his family that his injuries were so severe that at the time of admission, his condition was really touch and go as to whether or not he would survive.

Sam was determined once he was home to commit to his physiotherapy, with his main goal to return to work. Sam recalled ‘When I was in hospital, time felt like a blur, but I knew when I was back home that would be when the real work really had to take place. I was keen to get back to work and have my normal life again’.

Sam reached his goal to return to work after an intensive 18-month recovery. However, as his life gradually regained a sense of normality, he felt his outlook on life had altered forever. Sam said, ‘I had a fresh prospective on life, and I knew there was so much out there to see… I came so close to death that I felt I had a second chance. It was time to make a change, and see the world’.

A man wearing a blue padded coat, grey shorts, brown woolly hat, and walking boots sits on a rock by some water. A small dog wearing a coat stands next to him. There are large hills in the background. The man has a prosthetic leg.

It was during his adventures across the globe, Sam met the love of his life, Amber, and the pair were soon married. The couple spent nearly five years backpacking around Europe, Asia, and America before returning to the UK to settle down. During this time, Sam also gained his personal Helicopter License and now relishes the opportunity to fly, only this time, under much happier circumstances.

Speaking on his travel memories, Sam said, ‘Sure, it would be amazing to have my leg back, but the things I have gone on to do and the people I have met and places I have seen have been incredible, and I wouldn’t have done them if I didn’t have my accident. If I still had my leg, I probably wouldn’t have met my wife, which seems so crazy to me!’.

Today, Sam works for Fletchers Group as Charity and Partnerships Coordinator. A law firm which is dedicated to supporting individuals with life-changing injuries for over 30 years.

When referring to his accident, and the people who helped to save his life, Sam said, ‘Without Yorkshire Air Ambulance, I honestly believe I wouldn’t be here today. The team were instrumental in getting me to hospital as fast as they did. Although I don’t remember much from the day, I cannot thank each and every person for their help, you have my utmost respect and gratitude.

To anybody who may find themselves in a similar situation to myself, and facing life as an amputee, just know – don’t give up on life. Things will get better, and I am living proof that with the right mindset, life can be an incredible thing, even without my leg!’.

A man wearing a blue puffa jacket, blue woolly hat, white or grey shorts, yellow socks and dark trainers is riding a skateboard and has a prosthetic leg.

Follow Sam’s adventures on his everyday_amputee Instagram page.

Read more Yorkshire Air Ambulance patient stories.

Jules Collett

Jules Collett

On March 8th 2021, Jules Collett, and his 12-year-old son Henry from Hipperholme, Halifax were out running when Jules turned to his son and said that he didn’t feel well.

“I turned to Henry and said I didn’t feel too well and that I was going to collapse, and moments later I did”, said Jules.

Henry, who had only recently completed CPR training at his school, Hipperholme Grammar, and local Sea Cadets club, said: “It was quite scary because he didn’t know what was going on. I knew something had happened because he wasn’t breathing. I said in my head do what you were taught, the next few minutes can save your dad’s life or end very badly.”

Henry began CPR until a jogger appeared and took over whilst Henry ran to get the defibrillator from the nearby Rugby ground.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched their Nostell aircraft and treated Jules on-scene. He was then taken to Calderdale Royal Infirmary by land ambulance.

Jules spent five days in an induced coma but thankfully made a good recovery. Henry’s actions saved his dad’s life, against all the odds.

“When my dad first woke up, I was so relieved because I still had my dad”, said Henry.

Speaking of his son’s heroic efforts, Jules said: “Hearing Henry talk about what happened that night makes me really impressed and proud of him. I’m so grateful to him. To see what he did from the knowledge he got and he had the confidence to do it, it’s incredible.”

Since his cardiac arrest, Jules has resumed cycling, running and taking part in the couch to 5k challenge with his son. “The swift work by Henry and the medical team’s on-scene gave me a far better chance of recovery and I’ve been able to resume an active life. I’m very thankful for all their help.”


James Eastwood

James Eastwood

On November 22nd 2021, James Eastwood, 38, an Operations Director for a food company from Wakefield, was travelling to work in Malton on the A64 when his car collided with another vehicle. He has no memory of the incident, apart from a Paramedic saying, ‘let’s give him morphine.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched their aircraft and due to the extent of James’ injuries, he was flown to the nearest major trauma centre, Leeds General Infirmary.

Tests at the hospital revealed that James had broken his spine in four places, suffered internal bleeding and seriously damaged his bowels. He spent 21 days in the hospital and has endured four surgeries.

James is still recovering from a lot of his injuries but is now able to walk again, he still experiences pain. He has now registered to become a volunteer for the charity, and providing his recovery goes well, he is planning on running 8 miles from his home in Wakefield to Leeds General Infirmary to raise money for the charity later this year. He will be joined by 10 of his friends, family and co-workers.

Speaking of the air ambulance, James said: “I had heard of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, but I had no idea that they are a charity. If it wasn’t for them, I would not have made it to the hospital in time by land ambulance due to massive internal bleeding. I’m really grateful for all they did and want to give back to them by doing all I can.”R

Stephen Curran

Stephen Curran

On 22nd May, Stephen Curran (62) from Hillam, North Yorkshire was cycling from Birkin to Gateforth when he started experiencing shoulder pain.

Speaking of when he began noticing symptoms of a heart attack, Stephen said: “When I was cycling in Birkin I began experiencing pain in my left shoulder. At first, I thought it was just muscle pain, so I carried on for a few more miles, but it began to get worse and I had chest pain and shortness of breath. Around four or five miles away from home, I decided to stop on the grass verge and rest. It was then I realised it wasn’t normal muscle pain as I noticed that I was getting confused, so I decided to call for an ambulance.”

He continued: “Luckily, when I called the emergency services an ambulance was already in the area and it didn’t take long to arrive. The Paramedic carried out an ECG and said that it was quite serious. The air ambulance followed shortly after.”

Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched one of their helicopters and after an assessment on-scene, Stephen was flown to Leeds General Infirmary where he had an emergency stent fitted and spent a few days in coronary care. He was discharged from the hospital three days later and currently receives outpatient care.

“The consultant said that if I wasn’t physically fit and the emergency services didn’t respond as effectively as they did, it could have been fatal because the artery was completely blocked”, said Stephen.

Speaking of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Stephen said: “I just want to express my sincere thanks to the air ambulance crew on the day. Their speed of response both to the scene of the incident and to the LGI combined with their skill and professionalism not only helped to save my life but also massively reduced the complications associated with my blocked coronary artery. I now more fully understand how serious my situation was at the time.”


Janicke Tvedt

Janicke Tvedt

Janicke Tvedt, 55 was walking her Labrador Goose when she was attacked and trampled by cows.

She was out walking with her partner David to take her mind off her impending cancer surgery which was scheduled for a few days later.  It is thought the cows attacked as a form of protection for their young calves.

Janicke said of her incident: “As soon as we entered the field, I could see that there were cows up ahead. So, I grabbed the dog and put him on a lead. We initially thought we had managed to walk around the herd, but then realised there was another cow on the other side of the hedge with a calf which got spooked by the dog. We were a bit shaken and scared so we regrouped and carried on walking, but the next thing we knew, half of the herd had come back after us.

Three initially pinned us against the hedge with the rest of the herd behind. I thought if we keep still, they will get bored and go away, but after 10 minutes I got headbutted in the knees as a cow went for the dog, and I was knocked to the floor. As I was lying on the ground and another cow raised his front half up and stamp down his front hooves on me at least four times on my legs, abdomen and chest.”

Cattle can weigh more than a tonne and over the last few years, several people have died in North Yorkshire due to dangerous cow encounters.

Janicke continued: “After that, one of the cows rolled on top of me and then everything went quiet. I was lying there, and my partner came back and helped me. He helped me over to a nearby tree as the cows had blocked the exit and I put my head between my knees as I felt like I was going to pass out.

Cows surrounded us near the tree. I knew something serious was wrong. I was telling my partner where to find my will and what my wishes were, then luckily the cows left.”

Having lost their phones in the attack, her partner ran to nearby Masham Golf Club and managed to get one of the golfers to phone the emergency services. A passer-by wrapped Janicke in his t-shirt to keep her warm while waiting for help.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance was dispatched and after an on-scene assessment, she was flown to Leeds General Infirmary for further treatment.

Tests at the hospital revealed that Janicke had broken several ribs and damaged part of her bowel. Janicke had surgery where she had a colon resection and a colostomy bag fitted. Unfortunately, this delayed her cancer treatment.

“It was worrying that it had been put back”, said Janicke. “But I managed to get the surgery in October and thankfully I was then given all clear.”

The cow attack has left lasting physical and emotional harm to Janicke, but she is slowly rebuilding her confidence on walks and has since had the colostomy bag retracted. As part of her rehabilitation, she is walking 1,000 miles to raise funds for Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Speaking of the Charity, she said: “I’ve always believed Yorkshire Air Ambulance do an amazing job and I have supported them for a very long time. It was such a shock to then need to call on them, but I knew when they arrived, I was in safe hands. I feel indebted to their service.”

Barry Burns

Barry Burns

A hill walker who collapsed due to a rare heart condition on the North Yorkshire Moors is set to appear on this week’s Helicopter ER.

Barry Burns, a seasoned walker from Stokesley, was walking the first stretch of the Dales Way last July with friends when he collapsed seven miles in.

The medical episode was very out of character for Barry, who is an experienced walker and very fit for his age.

Speaking of his incident, Barry said: “It all happened very suddenly. I was walking into a small valley when I had strong light-headedness. My friends both went ahead of me, but I couldn’t walk any further and called them back. I had a chocolate bar for energy, but after 500 yards Barry stopped and they realised something was wrong.”

Barry’s friends noticed his pale complexion and decided to call an ambulance. They had no signal, so they had to climb to the top of the hill to call for help.

Due to the seriousness of his condition and the remote area where Barry collapsed, Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched their helicopter from RAF Topcliffe.

When their team of medics arrived, initial observations revealed that Barry’s blood pressure was critically low, and he was on the verge of cardiac arrest. The air ambulance crew kept Barry alert to ensure he didn’t deteriorate any further.

Cyclists passing by stopped to help the Paramedics carry the stretcher uphill to the aircraft and Barry was flown to James Cook University Hospital for tests.

Heart specialists found that Barry has a rare condition called Super Ventricular Tachycardia which causes the heart to race erratically, which in serious medical episodes could trigger a lethal heart attack.

Barry recalled having two very similar previous episodes, but he was in areas where he could get himself to safety. Doctors were unable to give a cause to his medical episodes as Super Ventricular Tachycardia can only be detected at the time it is happening by an ECG.

Nine months later, Barry is recovering well but has been advised to take it steady when it comes to long-distance walks. “It was a good ending, it could have been so much worse”, said Barry.

He continued: “Doctors have told me what to look out for and I’m now able to recognise the symptoms prior to an attack. I’m back walking, but I won’t walk anywhere too remote.”

Barry said of Yorkshire Air Ambulance: “They were incredible and could have saved my life. I couldn’t have gotten out of the situation I was in without them, and I don’t know what would have happened. They are brilliant, I can’t praise them enough.”


Eric Scaife

Eric Scaife

Eric Scaife, who was 74 at the time, was riding home on a country road from visiting his son in Castleford when he lost control of his vintage motorbike going at speed and was thrown 20ft down the road into a parked car.

Speaking of his incident, Eric said: “I was on my way home between Castleford and Leeds, but for some reason, I had turned off on another road that I don’t usually go on. Apparently, I had what was called a vacant episode and I wasn’t fully aware of what was going on when the incident happened.”

His body absorbed the impact of the crash and landed on the road, and he was left with multiple, serious injuries. A passer-by stopped to help and call the emergency services.

Due to the seriousness of his injuries, Yorkshire Air Ambulance was dispatched. On scene, they noticed that Eric’s blood pressure was alarmingly low and worked as fast as they could, giving him a blood transfusion on the scene to stabilise him.

As Eric was at risk of going into cardiac arrest, Yorkshire Air Ambulance crew decided to take Eric to the hospital via land ambulance and accompanied him on the journey to Leeds General Infirmary.

During the journey to the hospital, Eric went into cardiac arrest and YAA Paramedics worked hard to restart his heart. He was rushed into Resus in the A&E department where hospital staff took over the fight to save his life. It was a very close call.

“My son had been told it was best to have another 10 minutes with me as I wouldn’t last until morning. When you are told that, it was more serious than what I realised”, said Eric.

Tests revealed that Eric had broken his back, several ribs, and a knee and punctured his lung when he crashed his vintage bike. He spent two weeks in hospital and another 8 weeks in a care home.

Speaking of his recovery, Eric said: “It took me quite a few weeks to recover, I had difficulty getting up and down stairs.”

It wasn’t until after the incident that it was revealed that Eric had a serious bike incident four years prior and also ended up in Yorkshire Air Ambulance’s care. It was the second time that YAA came to Eric’s rescue.

Eric has since given up his motorbike and has taken up archery, walking and cycling which has helped with his rehabilitation.

“I only want to drive on the road if I consider myself to be safe on the road, I wouldn’t want to risk injuring anyone else through an incident caused by me”, he said.

Speaking of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Eric said: “They are amazing and one of my favourite charities. I cannot thank them enough for their help.”


Sian Cromack

Sian Cromack

Sian Cromack, who was hit by the car whilst jogging across the road on 20th December 2020, bounced off the car’s windscreen and was thrown 360 degrees in the air before landing on the pavement.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched one of their aircraft to the scene and due to a suspected head injury, Sian was flown to James Cook University Hospital for further treatment.

“I don’t remember any of my accident. I only realised when I got to James Cook hospital the seriousness of what happened and what was about to face me”, said Sian

Tests revealed that Sian sustained a fractured elbow and an open fracture to her foot resulting in metal rods being inserted to straighten her toe. She also sustained a foot injury, which resulted in complications leading to a further six weeks of treatment.

Sian also had scarring on her face and suffered concrete burns. She spent five weeks in hospital at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesborough and had to change her normally active lifestyle.

“I used to ride horses and go to the gym and do a lot of running. However, I am just trying to gradually build myself back up and start by walking again with my dog. We’re lucky to have the beach nearby”, said Sian.

Speaking of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, she continued: “I would love to thank the air ambulance for the work that they did that day and that they continue to do day in, day out and I will be forever thankful for what they did for me.”

Sian works for Anglo American who have been continued supporters of Yorkshire Air Ambulance, having raised an incredible £21,600 for charity last year. They have also chosen Yorkshire Air Ambulance as one of their charities of the year 2021.


Tara Parkes

On 28th September 2020, Tara Parkes from Penistone, South Yorkshire was putting her pitch fork away after doing some gardening, when she tripped over the threshold of her shed and the fork impaled her abdomen.

“I hate gardening. Our garden shed was disintegrating and the plan that afternoon was to clear everything out and then take the shed down. Unfortunately I didn’t get that far.  I tripped and fell forwards, impaling myself on the big gardening fork I was carrying”, said Tara.

“The pain was horrendous. I thought I was going to die and that my children would find me dead in the shed. I knew I had to get help. Somehow I found the strength to free the handle which got caught in a wheelbarrow wheel as I fell and get help”.

Luckily for Tara, her mobile phone was her in pocket and she was able to dial 999 herself. The local emergency services were dispatched and Yorkshire Air Ambulance sent their Nostell helicopter to the scene.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance Paramedics assessed Tara whilst the four prong garden fork was still in her abdomen. Freeing the fork prior to the hospital could have caused catastrophic damage to Tara’s internal organs.


They inserted an IV line into her bone to administer vital pain relief and the fire service were on standby in case the fork needed to be cut down to manoeuvre her.

Due to the size of the impaled fork, Tara was unable to be flown to hospital. She was taken to Sheffield Northern General, the hospital where Tara works as a nurse by land ambulance with a Yorkshire Air Ambulance Paramedic accompanying her on the journey in case she deteriorated.

Tara was rushed straight into emergency surgery to remove the fork and she spent a week in hospital.  Luckily, scar tissue in her abdomen from a previous surgery created a barrier and prevented the fork penetrating any of her internal organs.

Tara still owns the gardening fork, which is still covered in the plastic surgeons put on it after removing it from her stomach, but is adamant that she won’t make the same mistake again. “I will keep the fork facing down in future”, she said.

Speaking of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Tara continued: “They are an amazing service and a lot of people wouldn’t have such happy outcomes if it wasn’t for them.

Charlotte Theobald

Charlotte Theobald

Charlotte Theobald from Helmsley began suffering from idiopathic anaphylaxis (severe, spontaneous allergic reactions) after being stung by a wasp in 2017. Her condition hugely impacts her life as the cause of her allergies is unknown and everyday items can trigger a life-threatening reaction, causing chronic spontaneous hives, rapid swelling, anaphylaxis, narrowing of her airways causing breathing difficulties, asthma and vocal cord dysfunction.

“When I was stung by the wasp, I experienced swelling and when I was taken to hospital they put my reaction down to the sting. The following year, I then had my first anaphylaxis at work and it has carried on ever since”, said Charlotte.

In July 2020, Charlotte was sat in her bedroom speaking to her mum when she suddenly began to feel unwell.

“I don’t remember much as it was the third time that month that I had suffered anaphylaxis and I hadn’t been home long since I was discharged from the hospital. I just remember sitting on my bed and talking to my mum and saying that I didn’t feel right, because sometimes before I have my anaphylaxis I get a sense that something is about to happen. My mum said shortly afterwards I fell unconscious. I vaguely remember climbing into the air ambulance, but everything else is a blur”, she said.

Speaking of her symptoms, Charlotte explained: “My symptoms can vary, but usually I get itchy, hives on the upper half of the body, itchy eyes, facial and neck swelling. I also experience wheezing and my mouth tingles and I can feel my throat and tongue swelling.”

Her mother Katrina quickly administered adrenaline and called the emergency services. As Charlotte’s allergic reactions can potentially be life-threatening, Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) dispatched their Topcliffe aircraft.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance Critical Care Team assessed Charlotte and a decision was made to fly her to York Hospital for emergency treatment. The journey by land ambulance would have taken 45 minutes by blue light, but YAA flew Charlotte to the hospital in less than 10 minutes.

Charlotte recovered from her anaphylaxis but has to be prepared for any known triggers on a daily basis. She is regularly in and out of the hospital and under specialist care at Leeds St James Hospital.

“It really takes it out of your body and I always feel emotional after I have a reaction and it takes a good few days to recover each time. It just hits you what has happened, what I’ve been through and what could happen. Perfumes, aftershaves and cleaning products are around all the time and it can be difficult managing this daily and protecting myself”, she said.

“I carry a medical pack with me everywhere I go that has my EpiPens in, an inhaler, antihistamines, a list of medication and allergies and a life-line card in case anyone finds me and they are unsure of how to administer an EpiPen. It goes everywhere with me because my anaphylaxis can happen at any time.

At work, I have to wear a mask that filters out all perfumes and chemicals because someone walking past me who has a strong perfume or aftershave can trigger me and I can’t go in certain shops and my friends can’t wear perfume around me”

Speaking of the air ambulance, she continued: “The times that the air ambulance has come out to me, I know that I have been really poorly. It’s comforting knowing that they are coming because even with blue lights we are quite far away from York. It’s a comfort knowing that they are there and can get to the hospital quicker and save my life.”

Charlotte’s incident is set to appear on the reality TV series Helicopter ER on Channel Really at 10 PM on 30th March 2021. The episode also features a couple trampled by cows in the Yorkshire Dales and a mountain bike incident in Scarborough.

Scott Remmer

Scott Remmer

Scott Remmer from Huddersfield was walking at the North Yorkshire beauty spot Malham Cove on July 12th 2020 when he tripped over and hit his head down a steep ravine. Passersby stopped to help him when they noticed his speech was repetitive and he came across as confused.

“I was walking down the slope and looking at my phone and I tripped over and cut my head open. Thankfully a minute or two later a few walkers stopped to help”, said Scott.

Due to the possibility of a serious head injury, Yorkshire Air Ambulance dispatched their nearby Topcliffe aircraft with two of their HEMS Paramedics. After an initial assessment, it was revealed that this wasn’t the first time Yorkshire Air Ambulance has flown to Scott’s rescue.

In September 2016, Scott was involved in a serious road traffic incident in Huddersfield that left him with a traumatic head injury that had a massive impact on his life.  Over the last four years, Scott has had to learn to walk and talk again.

Luckily, Scott’s injury this time wasn’t as severe and he was taken to Airedale Hospital by land ambulance for wound care. His wound was glued and he was sent home the same day.

Scott has had no lasting effects from his most recent injury and he plans on returning to Malham Cove in the near future as credits his trips to the Yorkshire Dales as being a vital part of his recovery for his previous head injury.

“My first thought when I saw the air ambulance overhead was oh no, not again. The air ambulance has come out to me twice and I’m very thankful for that. I hope there won’t be a third time. I owe them my life”, said Scott.

Scott is now a registered volunteer for Yorkshire Air Ambulance and hopes to be joining them at events and presentations once lockdown is over. When asked why he was inspired to become a volunteer, he said: “They saved my life, it’s the least I can do.”

You can read more about Scott’s first encounter with YAA HERE.