Yorkshire company drives home their support for air ambulance

The family-owned water producer and bottler has placed the charity’s iconic yellow helicopters on the back of two trucks that deliver its own-label Ice Valley water across the region.

Shepley Spring is the UK’s largest independent bottled water company manufacturing over 250 million bottles per year at its two purpose-designed plants in Shepley and Kirkburton.

The company has chosen Yorkshire Air Ambulance as its official charity partner for the last four years but has also been supplying free water for the rapid response emergency service for considerably longer.

Managing Director James Smith said: “I am a keen cyclist and motor cyclist – both activities which are high up the risk list and so I know just how vital a service Yorkshire Air Ambulance provide.

“We, as a family, have had members and friends who have needed their services and so have a very clear understanding about just how important this charity is to Yorkshire.

“We, as a company, also do as much as we can to support Yorkshire so we are even more proud to support Yorkshire Air Ambulance, a brilliant charity that saves lives across the county.”

Shepley Spring produce their own Ice Valley brand as well bottling many Supermarket own-label spring waters – including those for Morrisons, Sainsbury, Aldi and Lidl.

As a leading supporter of Yorkshire Air Ambulance the company has its logo on the charity’s two, state-of-the-art Airbus H145 helicopters.

Now those helicopters make a striking sight on the back of the two Ice Valley Trucks as James added: “The trucks do a lot of their deliveries in Yorkshire and we thought this would be a great way to raise the profile of the Air Ambulance and to remind people that they have this great charity in their area.”

Yorkshire Air Ambulance serves 5million people and carries out over 1,250 missions every year. It needs to raise £12,000 every day to keep its two aircraft flying.

Director of Marketing and Communications Abby McClymont said: “Shepley Springs have been a great supporter of the YAA and we are delighted to work with them.

“The two trucks look absolutely amazing and really help us raise awareness of the charity across the region.  Seeing the image of one of our helicopters on the back doors is a great reminder to people of the work we do.

“We’d really like to thank James, his family and everyone at Shepley Springs for their continued support.”

Picture caption: One of the two Shepley Spring lorries which are carrying the Yorkshire Air Ambulance message throughout the county.