Wharfedale Order Raises £1,900 For YAA

Wharfedale Order Raises £1,900 for YAA

The Provincial Grand Primo of the RAOB Wharfedale Province for 2012 was Bro J A Cartwright ROH. He decided as his charity effort for the year to collect for Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

On Tuesday 29th January at the Mason Lodge, held in the Grove Hill Club, he presented a cheque for £1,900 to Gerry Sayers, YAA volunteer representative, after first thanking all Buffs and the over 60s bingo players at the Labour Rooms on a Monday afternoon who had been very supportive.

Mrs Sayers gave a speech of thanks and said how helpful such a large amount of money would be. She also spoke about how she became involved with the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

After the meeting was held everyone tucked into corned beef hash and Yorkshire puddings, and a very enjoyable evening was had by all.

Pictured is Bro A J Cartwright handing over the cheque to Gerry Sayers of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.