Helicopter enthusiast from Bradford gets Yorkshire Air Ambulance tattoo

A helicopter enthusiast from Bradford, has had one of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance helicopters tattooed on her back to help raise vital funds for the Charity, and keep the memory of her late father alive.

Ann Watts, 46 from Bradford said: “I love the air ambulance and love I helicopters and I wanted to do something unique to help get donations. Having this tattoo will not only help a worthy cause, but also keep my dad’s memory alive”, said Ann.

Ann’s father was a keen motorcyclist and enjoyed watching helicopters fly over one of the former Yorkshire Air Ambulance airbases, at Leeds Bradford Airport. To celebrate his love of aviation, the family had booked a trip for him to go in a helicopter for his 60th birthday. However, he sadly passed away before his lifelong dream was fulfilled.

Ann decided to get the tattoo to remind her of the times she spent watching helicopters with her dad, and also to keep raising money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance in his memory.

Tong Tattoos did the tattoo free of charge, providing donations went towards the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The tattoo was completed on Thursday 20th June and Ann has already raised £80 for the Charity.

Ann said: “I feel like one of my dreams has come true and I am proud to be wearing the Yorkshire Air Ambulance on my back. I love showing off my new tattoo and the pain was worth it. I would like to thank Tong Tattoos for their support.”

Angela Vyas, West Yorkshire Community Fundraiser, said: “We admire Anne’s dedication to the charity and her brave decision to have one of our helicopters tattooed on her back – the finished tattoo looks incredible. The money raised will help us greatly towards the vital funding of our service.”

The Yorkshire Air Ambulance provides a life-saving rapid response emergency service 365 days a year to 5 million people across 4 million acres of Yorkshire. It costs £12,000 a day to keep the helicopters maintained and in the air.

For more information about Ann’s tattoo and to donate to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ann-elizabeth-watts