Former Yorkshire Air Ambulance Patient Gives Back to Charity by becoming Registered Volunteer

The Yorkshire Air Ambulance provides a life-saving rapid response emergency service 365 days a year to five million people across 4 million acres of Yorkshire, and helping spread the word about the Charity is an army of dedicated volunteers.

To help celebrate National Volunteer Week which commences on June 1st, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance are shining the spotlight on just a few of the many volunteers which help keep the life-saving charity flying across the region.

In 2014, John Mitchell from Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire was crushed by a five and a half tonne machine at work. The Yorkshire Air Ambulance were dispatched and he was flown to Leeds General Infirmary.

“I was crushed by a machine and in hospital within the hour with a broken pelvis, which could have been life-threatening. They saved my life thanks to their fast response and my treatment starting so quickly, which enables them to get to any hospital in Yorkshire within 20 minutes”, said John.

When his wife Sue saw an advertisement looking for volunteers for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance at a hotel in Ripon following the incident, the pair decided it was time to give back to the charity that helped saved John’s life.

“They helped me so I’m helping them back- I could never thank them enough for what they did”, said John.

John and Sue have now been volunteering for the charity for the last three years, helping out on fundraising stalls and at events.

When asked what he enjoys the most about volunteering for the YAA, John said: “I love the helicopter landings when they come to some events.  It’s really emotional when I see them landing, but it’s all good fun and makes me very proud. I love the team and the whole thing is so rewarding, it’s really great.”

Yorkshire Air Ambulance Registered Volunteers give much needed additional support to the charity by promoting closer working relationships within local communities, increasing fundraising opportunities, developing new initiatives and also providing valuable skills and experience.

To anyone thinking of volunteering for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, John said: “The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is such a well-supported charity and it is good fun just to help out, we need as many bodies as we can, so just do it, it’s great.”