Duggleby Group Makes Every Move Count with Charitable Pledge to Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Leading provider of professional home removal services, David Duggleby Movers and Storers, based in Scarborough, have pledged to donate £2.50 from every removal they complete throughout 2023 to the rapid emergency service charity, Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance is a lifesaving rapid response charity, serving over five and a half million adults and children and spanning over three million acres of Yorkshire. It currently costs £19,000 a day to keep Yorkshire’s air ambulances fleet of helicopters maintained and operational. As an independent charity, Yorkshire Air Ambulance relies on the generosity of individuals and organisations to operate and help save lives across Yorkshire.

This charitable partnership comes on the heels of a significant expansion for David Duggleby Movers and Storers. In August 2022, the Duggleby Group acquired Kidds of Yorkshire and Sandersons of Boston Spa, effectively broadening their reach and services across the Yorkshire region. Building upon a track record of over 500 moves completed last year, the introduction of a larger fleet and manpower through Kidds and Sandersons joining the team is expected to bolster their capabilities further, aiming to increase the number of moves significantly in the coming year, ultimately translating into more donations to Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Speaking of the partnership, Managing Director, William Duggleby, said, ‘When we thought about giving back to the local community, we wanted to support a charity that served the local areas of all the teams in our offices and facilities across Yorkshire.

 Choosing Yorkshire Air Ambulance was an easy decision. Not only do they do amazing work to provide life-saving care in all our communities across the region, but the service they provide is something that no one else can. We couldn’t think of a better cause to support, and we’re delighted to be working with them’.

As a testament to their commitment to supporting the emergency response charity, the two auctioneers’ brands, David Duggleby and Duggleby Stephenson, have jointly hosted a stand at the Ryedale Show this year. As part of this event, the companies ran a charity auction, raising £1,040 which will be donated to Yorkshire Air Ambulance in support of their collaboration with the Movers and Storers brands.

Regional Fundraising Manager for North & East, Linda Stead, conveyed her heartfelt appreciation for the partnership, highlighting the pivotal role community support plays in upholding the charity’s critical life-saving operations. She said, ‘We are incredibly grateful for the generous support of David Duggleby Movers and Storers. Their commitment to donating £2 from every home removal demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact across Yorkshire. With their support, we can continue to provide critical care and save lives across Yorkshire. Together, we are making a real difference’.

Read more YAA News Here.