Asda Raise More Than £50,000 For YAA

Asda raise more than £50,000 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance

Asda staff and shoppers at stores throughout Yorkshire have completed a super summer fundraising spree for Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA).

During the three months from June to August, the supermarket's 17 stores across Yorkshire raised a staggering £53,634 for the life saving charity.

Money was collected through a wide range of activities and events including sponsored bag packing, tins on the tills, in-store Yorkshire Day celebrations, sponsored walks, raffles and the sale of YAA merchandise.

Louise Brown, Community Life Champion at Asda's Glasshoughton Superstore, said: "We have wonderful staff who have responded fantastically to this fund raising campaign.

"Yorkshire Air Ambulance is such a fantastic, life-saving charity and a service that is close to our hearts. The helicopter came to the aid of an Asda Home Delivery driver who had an accident and helped him receive the urgent treatment he needed.

"So Asda stores in Yorkshire are delighted to be providing them with a substantial donation."

Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent rapid response charity, which has carried more than 5000 patients in it's 13 year history, needs to raise £9990 each day to keep it's two helicopters in the air and maintained. That's equivalent to £3.6 million a year.

Kerry Garner, YAA regional fundraiser said: "We have had a fantastic few months working with Asda colleagues and customers across Yorkshire.

"To raise over £53,000 in such a short space of time is brilliant and we cannot thank them enough. Given we are an independent charity, we rely on organisations such as Asda and their customers to help us raise the vital funds we need."

Pictured is Asda fundraisers and store managers from throughout Yorkshire meeting Yorkshire Air Ambulance and paramedics and aircrew after raising £53,634 for the life saving charity in just three months.